Ahead of Mother's Day, Liza Malik Shares How She Took Care of Her Brother as a Mother

May 15, 2023 - 18:57
Ahead of Mother's Day, Liza Malik Shares How She Took Care of Her Brother as a Mother
Ahead of Mother's Day, Liza Malik Shares How She Took Care of Her Brother as a Mother

Mother's day comes around this time every year and brings with it fresh stories of just how selfless and loving mothers can be. Even though this one day a year is hardly any compensation for all that mothers do, they literally give up their entire lives for their kids. There are mothers who love their own children unconditionally and there are those honorary mothers who take up the task of bringing up children who might not be theirs biologically but mean just the same. Actress and Singer Liza Malik is one such mother who has brought up her little brother as her very own child, even going to the extent of adopting him formally. This mother's day, let's learn more about her as she talks of being a mom to her brother and her two dogs whom she cares for as much as human babies.

"My brother and I lost my father very early and it was hard for my mom as a single parent so I had adopted my brother legally since 17 or 18 years now when he was in first grade. I never wanted him to feel upset about the fact that he did not have a father growing up and so I made sure to plan my life according to his schooling and growing up schedule. I even paused conceiving till he graduates so that I wouldn't lose my focus from him and my love wouldn't have to be divided."

Liza is also a doting mother to her two dogs, who she cares for more than anything jn this world. She says," As far as my four legged babies are concerned,  I have one 16 year old cocker spaniel who is almost 90 years old in human age and Emma who is now the talk of the town because of her Instagram post. She came into my life when I had my miscarriage 8 months back and I think my connection with her is Karmic as she replaced the vaccum I had after losing a child. I am so attached to her that I literally cannot love without her. I eat with and sleep with her and take her everywhere I go. I know people must think I'm a little overposessive over my dogs but that's how I am."

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